The way your body looks on the outside reflects a lot on what it must be going through from the inside. BMI is the Body Mass Index is the value derived from the mass and height of a person. Based on a person’s BMI, one can figure out whether the person falls under the underweight category or overweight category. Your body weight indicates your health condition and one of the important tools to assess your health is Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a useful measure of overweight and obesity.
People who have a lower BMI are the ones who definitely need to work on their diets and see where things are going wrong and why the body is not able to respond to the intake of food. On the other side, individuals with higher BMI are the ones who need to take care of their intake of food and work extra on bringing their BMI down to the permissible limit. The Higher your BMI, the higher you are at risk of developing diseases like heart diseases, High Blood pressure, diabetes etc.
For people who are overweight and obese, proper assistance is required to monitor overall weight management program. Your nutritionist can monitor the entire weight loss diet plan, make sure that your diet is right for your system while taking into consideration all the allergies you can avoid along with health benefits you can get from eating right. More importantly your weight management expert can ensure that your weight loss plan is not putting you at further health risk.
Always plan to consult your weight management expert before blindly following a weight loss program. You and the expert can discuss what may be contributing to your weight gain — in rare cases, certain medical conditions or medications can cause unwanted weight gain. Furthermore, you can discuss how to go about safely with exercises, especially if you have trouble or pain carrying out normal daily tasks.
AKARA is the one stop destination for all your weight loss woes. A luxury clinic that caters to all your weight loss worries and provides you with a holistic experience like no other. Equipped with the world class technologies and treatments that are latest in its field and around the world, AKARA is known for expert doctors and nutrition & weight management specialists. Whether you’re looking to bounce back after post pregnancy weight gain and intimate health and wellness procedures or need to get body sculpting done or it’s just the abdomen that bothers you and you would like to go for a tummy tuck, AKARA’s got you covered for everything. The procedures at AKARA are all non-invasive and completely safe to carry out on all body types.
Here are some advantages of taking a professional’s supervision:
- The weight management specialist can decide how much weight is ideal for you according to your BMI and based on your medical history.
- Provides you with an appropriate nutrient rich diet plan and exercise program.
- Can monitor all the medications you are taking
- A professional’s supervision will also mean that you have constant check-ups and follow-ups where both you and your weight management expert can monitor your progress.
Your physician will not only help you in losing weight but will also provide you emotional and motivational support that you require during this process. Obesity and being overweight is a complicated condition and losing weight safely and effectively, requires patience and understanding. Visit AKARA for the best weight loss professional help you can get.